Gary Barbera Coats for Kids Winter Warm-up Annual Tour Commitment of over 1,000 Warm Winter Coats for Philadelphia Children

Gary Barbera Coats for Kids Winter Warm-up Annual Tour Commitment of over 1,000 Warm Winter Coats for Philadelphia Children

Gary Barbera Coats for Kids Winter Warm-up Annual Tour Commitment of over 1,000 Warm Winter Coats for Philadelphia Children.

Gary Barbera’s on the Boulevard and their Barbera Cares Programs “Gary Barbera Coats for Kids” visited 5 locations and gave out over 1,000 coats this month. The Barbera Cares is focused on improving the lives of those throughout the Philadelphia region. The Barbera Cares Program is delighted to provide volunteer hours and have already purchased over 1,000 warm winter coats to distribute to local Philadelphia School District grade schools as thoughtfully chosen by the office of PA State Representative Jared Solomon.

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The Gary Barbera’s Coats for Kids is the highlight of their holiday Barbera Cares Programs for the surrounding communities. The mission of Gary Barbera’s Coats for Kids is to once again distribute as many new winter coats as possible to keep up with the ever-growing need. It’s more than a coat it’s hopes while providing warmth and self-confidence to a child who needs it in Philadelphia and the surrounding areas.

Many local media outlets came out to showcase the greatness that Gary Barbera Coats for Kids program was achieving.

The Philadelphia Inquirer Featured “Ready for the Cold” with photos of the Barbera Cares Team and volunteers from State Rep. Jared Solomon’s Office





















6ABC highlighted in news

CBS 3 Philly played a segment on their channel about Gary Barbera Coats for Kids

And NBC 10 Philadelphia shared with their audience Gary Barbera Coats for Kids


We are so blessed and thankful to be able to help the local children on the Philadelphia region out ahead of the winter months.

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