High-Five the Barbera Bear at the Philadelphia Auto Show and at All of the Gary Barbera PSA Don’t Text and Drive Solar Powered Recycling Kiosks
Barbera Bear, he’s everywhere in Philadelphia!
It’s Gary Barbera’s favorite time of year, The Philadelphia Auto Show, Valentine’s Day, and President’s Day! See the BarberaCares Bear all over Philadelphia. High-Five Philly’s favorite Bear at the Philadelphia Auto Show, inside the Fashion District located near Jefferson Train Station at Chickie’s and Pete’s and Dunkin’ Donuts where visitors can win $25,000, and at all of the Solar Powered Recycling Kiosk PSA BarberaCares Don’t Text and Drive Displays.
Gary Barbera on the Boulevard and his BarberaCares Program have committed to continue to Clean up, Green-up the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection, Philadelphia with their PSA Don’t Text and Drive Solar Powered Recycling Kiosks.
Gary Barbera and his BarberaCares Programs strategically chose the locations WHERE THE PEOPLE ARE for their commitment for the PSA Solar-Powered Recycling Kiosks to efficiently maximize their use for litter disposal and cleanliness and optimization of visual appeals for charitable support in densely populated areas. The SRK’s as they are known are along marathon routes and cheer zones, outside of the Pennsylvania Convention Center on every corner, around City Hall and outside of all other high frequency areas in the city to green-up the city by increasing the ability to dispose of recycling water bottles and other trash.
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