Barbera Cares Bear Celebrates His 30th Birthday by Continuing to Keep Roadways Safe Especially during the Unofficial End to Summer, Labor Day Weekend
Gary Barbera Cares reminds everyone to Slow Down, Phone Down, Don‘t Text & Drive
The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Nearly 390,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving. One out of every four car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving.
There will be 750,000 vehicles on the PA Turnpike today and 3.5 million this weekend alone. Be safe out there because Barbera Cares.
Gary Barbera and his BarberaCares Programs are celebrating three decades of sharing and caring for the communities. The BarberaCares Bear Slow Down Phone Down Don’t Text and Drive 30th Anniversary is running All Summer long on the 6ABC City Line Avenue digital display message screen. This special digital message has been up for a few weeks now and will remain so throughout the summer.
They’ve doubled their BarberaCares Don’t Text and Drive, Slow Down Phone Down Adopt a-Highway commitment to keep the roadways litter free. Gary Barbera is happy to be the 2002 inaugural partner of Governor Edward G. Rendell’s Adopt-A-Highway state wide clean up initiative’ from the ground up. The Adopt-a-Highway Signs help to pay for Highway Cleanliness and Maintenance. BarberaCares Don’t Text and Drive, Slow Down Phone Down
200 Bus Shelters with the BarberaCares Don’t Text and Drive, Slow Down Phone Down PSA.
Solar Recycling Kiosks all over the City with BarberaCares Don’t Text and Drive, Slow Down Phone Down PSA
Sun Shelters on the Wildwood Board that switch it up a bit to read – Don’t Walk and Text.
You can also see the PSA at the Gary Barbera’s Dodge Display on Atlantic City Boardwalk. Get your final chance to win the 2020 Sweepstakes cash and prizes as outlined by Flagship Resort Development Corporation.
For more information about the BarberaCares Programs, the BarberaCares Bear and the Barbera’s on the Boulevard’s Signature PSA – Slow Down Phone Down Don’t Text and Drive and the 30th Anniversary Celebration go to www.garybarberacares.org