Chick-Fil-A And Gary Barbera Join Forces In Roosevelt Boulevard Safety Campaign.

Chick-Fil-A And Gary Barbera Join Forces In Roosevelt Boulevard Safety Campaign.

“Don’t Text And Drive”

The “Don’t Text and Drive” public service awareness campaign has grown on local media as the effort to transform Roosevelt Boulevard accelerates. It’s important for residents, visitors, employees and commuters, including those who walk, wheel, transit, bicycle and drive Roosevelt Boulevard (RT. 1 /Philadelphia, PA) to have a more inviting road that is safe, accessible and reliable. This “can’t come soon enough” according to Duane Pierce owner of the highly visited Chick-Fil-A franchise on Rt. 1.

As others have done before, Pierce sought out Gary Barbera to help increase the awareness effort. Pierce said,“With Barbera’s marketing expertise and high profile we’ll certainly get the message out!”

Barbera was raised in Northeast Philadelphia, and went to Archbishop Ryan High School. His business is right on Roosevelt Boulevard, and he knows the awareness campaign is a perfect fit for his “Barbera Cares” program, which is focused on the local community. “The length across the Boulevard is the same as a football field” Barbera said. “Safety begins with awareness; and that’s what our #1 goal is.” According to Barbera, he “found a quote from Teddy Roosevelt that sums it all up.” The quote is, “Nobody knows how much you know until they know how much you care.” The campaign has been embraced for its universal message and core value to every resident and visitor. “Look, I’m a local boy” Barbera said, “the Boulevard has gotten really bad and we must do whatever we have to do to make it right again – and we will!  

For more information about the Don’t Text and Drive initiative and other ongoing efforts go to