Chick-fil-a at Northeast Tower Enhances it’s Community Partnership with Gary Barbera’s on the Boulevard and their BarberaCares Programs to Reinforce Boulevard Safety and BarberaCares’ Bid for Cancer benefitting the AACR
Gary Barbera’s on the Boulevard and His BarberaCares Program along with the BarberaCares Bear will be at Northeast Tower Chick-fil-a to Reinforce their Don’t Text and Drive Slow Down Phone Down Partnership to make the Boulevard Safe and to Kick-off the BarberaCares iHeart Bid for Cancer on Power 99, Q102, Radio 104.5, WDAS 105.3 and the Breeze 106.1 all proceeds benefiting The AACR, the American Association for Cancer Research. BarberaCares celebrates the AACR as one of their Hometown Heroes with the PSA Proud Supporter of the AACR on the Pink Solar Recycling Kiosks in Philadelphia reminding all to donate to aacr.org
iHeart’s Q102 will be on site at The Northeast Tower Chick-fil-a at Adams Avenue Thursday – 10/10 5pm – 7pm supporting BarberaCares and Northeast Tower Chick-fil-a Don’t Text and Drive Slow Down Phone Down Campaign giving out Concert tickets, Prizes, other Giveaways and kicking off the BarberaCares iHeart Bid for Cancer for Cancer Research, Awareness, and Early Detection Scientific Advancements.
Roosevelt Boulevard, 12 lanes wide, it’s basically an at-grade highway through densely populated city neighborhoods. Every year, there are about 700 crashes and 10 traffic fatalities on this single street. That’s not including the number of pedestrian injuries and fatalities. More than 10 percent of all of Philadelphia’s road fatalities happen on Roosevelt Boulevard, even though it represents just 0.6 percent of city streets. The Roosevelt Boulevard has two intersections at Grant Avenue and Red Lion Road which have been deemed to be the second and third most dangerous intersections in the country. The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year.
Gary Barbera, reminds all that “Texting and Driving takes your eyes off the roadway. Not only can vehicular damage occur but life changing injuries. Driving is a privilege that comes with responsibility. Safety begins with awareness and it’s our pleasure to partner with Duane Pierce Restaurant Operator of the Northeast Tower Chick-fil-a, he truly cares.” They have joined forces on many occasions to serve their mutually diverse multi-lingual communities. Focusing on Roosevelt Boulevard Safety with their Don’t Text and Drive Partnership as well as the common thread of hospitality and community cares consistent initiatives.
It’s Always a Great Day at Chick-fil-a at the Northeast Tower now Chances to Win Concert Tickets, Giveaways, Prizes and to learn about Boulevard Safety and Breast Cancer Awareness.
Join Gary Barbera and His Gary BarberaCares Program Live Q102 Radio Remote and iHeart’s Sister Stations for iHeart Bid for Cancer. Have fun, Have Chick-fil-a and a Chance to Win Concert Tickets and other Prizes
Is Northeast Tower Chick-fil-a, Q102, AACR and Gary Barbera the Best???? Boy I Guess!