Fox Sports Reports: Sam Retamar With Philabundance and Gary Barbera Along With 76ers and Flyers Franchises During COVID-19 Pandemic
Gary Barbera service, save, and support for Philabundance and our frontline workers. Gary Barbera Cares along with Scott Smith, Director of Business Development, and Sam Retamar, Communications Director of Philabundance, remotely joined Sean Brace on Fox Sports Radio The Gambler on the Daily Ticket to discuss Gary Barbera, the 76ers, the Flyers Organization and a team of Philadelphia’s leaders donating to Philabundance and how to help during the coronavirus pandemic.
Gary Barbera Cares Philabundance Interview
Philabundance changes local lives. Gary Barbera on the Boulevard and their Barbera Cares Programs thank Philabundance for helping our neighbors with food scarcity and insecurity. Gary Barbera is continuing his support of Philabundance by monetizing his media partnerships to spread the word of the great work and needs of Philabundance.
Gary Barbera appreciates the sincere gratitude expressed by Glenn Bergman, Executive Director of Philabundance. The outpouring of support for Philabundance demonstrates how vital a lifeline they are to thousands of our brothers and sisters in the Delaware Valley. The Barbera Family and employees applaud the six-figure donation from the 76ers organization which continues to inspire many other contributions. Last year alone, 30 million pounds of food were distributed through Philabundance and its member agencies. This year will be unprecedented. Philabundance can stretch every dollar to feed families.
$1 dollar donation to Philabundance can be stretched to provide 2 complete meals.
$25 dollar donation to Philabundance can provide 2 large care packages for families.
All of us here at Gary Barbera’s on the Boulevard thank you for being a part of our family.
From the Barbera Family, “Stay safe and healthy and we thank all of our frontline workers and continue to support Philabundance”
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