Gary Barbera Partners with CarEffex and Showcases Carson Wentz’s Wheels With a Cause in DUB Section at the Show

Gary Barbera Partners with CarEffex and Showcases Carson Wentz’s Wheels With a Cause in DUB Section at the Show

6ABC covered the event highlighting the BarberaCares Wentz’s Wheels Dodge Demon.

Click here to see Philadelphia Auto Show report from 6ABC featuring Gary Barbera and His BarberaCares Carson Wentz’s Wheels with a Cause in DUB Show in CarEffex Display.

Gary Barbera says it’s his favorite time of the year, the Philadelphia Auto Show at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Gary Barbera on the Boulevard and BarberaCares are privileged to showcase the now infamous Carson Wentz’s Wheels with a Cause, his 2018 Dodge Demon Challenger at the CarEffex Display along with other Eagle player vehicles that have been modified by CarEffex in the DUB Section of the Philadelphia Auto Show.

As Gary Barbera has said, “It’s mean and of course, it’s green.”

Philadelphia Auto Show Guest with BarberaCares Bear, Gary BarberaCares Carson Wentz’s Wheels With a Cause.

Gary Barbera on the Boulevard has been offering this exclusive opportunity to own Carson Wentz’s Wheels with a special Cause.  Gary Barbera and their BarberaCares Programs will make a generous donation in the winning bidder’s name to Carson Wentz’s AO1 Foundation.

Learn More about Barbera Brands