Sergio Marchionne, 1952-2018
In every family, the passing of someone truly meaningful, inspirational and somewhat larger than life causes two things to happen. The natural reaction of mourning and the tears associated with it. As we begin to reflect, a celebration begins of a lifetime that meant so much and that we were lucky to be apart of.
The Barbera Family is profoundly saddened to learn about the death of Sergio Marchionne at age 66. Our thoughts go out to his family. As one of the last true automotive pioneers, Sergio led Fiat Chrysler up until a week before his passing.
For so many, Sergio had been an enlightened leader and a matchless point of reference. He taught people to think differently and to have the courage to change, often in unconventional ways, always acting with a sense of responsibility for their companies and their people. Today, the difference can be seen in the culture that he introduced in all the companies he has led, a culture that has become an integral part of each one of them.
He was a uniquely rounded and remarkable man whose memory will stay with us and inspire us as we move forward he had such high hopes for. He will be truly missed.